Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Letter to Everyone

Dear Everyone,

There once was a time where I'd tell people that my childhood was the worst childhood on the planet. I got picked on, bullied, rocks thrown at me and even spent half of the year in a psychiatrists office playing with magnetic sculptures rather than talking. But really, as I look back on it, it's not that bad. It's not bad at all. There are other children out there who have no food, who have no families and have nothing but sky over their heads. Me? I had a house, I had food and I had people that loved me and cared for me. How dare I even begin to think that I had the worst childhood in the world.

There are people out there who have days worse than yours but yet they are still smiling. They hold their heads up high and they continue to walk down their path, awaiting the next day with nothing less than a smile. A smile, people. They could have just lost their job, or their house or something and yet they continue to smile. They view life at a different angle than many people, they see life with so many possibilities for positivity that they just continue to smile. They have themselves, they are alive and they are sure that the next day will be better and that's all they need to continue living with smiles.

I will admit that I fail to smile somedays when life brings me down. I don't expect everyone to smile everyday until they are laid to rest. The point that I'm trying to make is that one shouldn't allow a simple act to completely disrupt the rest of the day. Life is too short. I couldn't allow myself to live most of it with the illusion that most of my life sucked and that I had barely any happy memories to look back upon.

So although today is coming to a close, tomorrow holds many possibilities. Hold your head up high and wear a smile on your face, for you never know what may become of it. Doesn't hurt to smile.



  1. Thank you...I was feeling down and I needed something inspirational like that to give me a refreshing perspective. Bye bye self-pity.

  2. Awesome! I adore this sentiment and try my best to live like this every day. Thanks for reminding me that most folks have it a lot better than they think they do. :)
